A K Consultants & Accounting Services is a reputed medium size consultancy & accounting services firm with a professional team with different focuses. A K Consultants & Accounting Service was established in 2017. Our firm has got over Six years of professional practicing experience in the fields of accounting, Income Tax, VAT Service, company affairs, valuation of property and assets, Financial & Management consultancy, investigation, Feasibility study, Accounting system design, Accounting Software Quick Book & Xero Implementation and Training programs, RJSC support, Trade Licenses, and auditing.

Our Vision
To be a leader in the development of management consulting as a global profession that drives social and economic success.

Meet the team
Ready for any challenges. We make your business better.

Md. Nur Alam Arman (ITP)
CA (C,C), M.B.S, B.B.S

CA (C.C), B.B.A

CA ( C.C) M.B.A, B.B.A

Md. Eftykharul Islam
CA(C.C), M.B.A, B.B.A