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Accounts Work
Accountants perform overviews of the financial operations of a business in order to help it run efficiently and healthy. They also provide the same services to individuals, helping them create plans of action for improved financial well-being. On the job, accountants like maintaining solid growth.
Audit Work
Auditors perform overviews of the financial operations of a business in order to help it run efficiently and healthy. They also provide the same services to individuals, helping them create plans of action for improved financial well-being. On the job, accountants like Examine statements to ensure accuracy.
Income Tax Work
The tax one pays is based on his/her taxable income. The rate of tax increases as ones taxable income increases and exceeds certain amounts, called tax brackets. He/she can reduce your taxable income and the taxes one has to pay by taking advantage of deductions and credits.
VAT Work
Value-added tax (VAT) is a consumption tax, on a product whenever value is added at each stage of the supply chain. From production to the point of sale. The amount of VAT that the user have to pay is on the cost of the product of the item/product. Unless any of the costs of materials used in the product that have already been taxed.
Growing Business
Often a business needs advise for the senior management on a specific project or more broadly on the structure and practices of a firm for a solid growth. Our team ensures this process for your company. By Get to know your customers, offering great customer service and working on a future plan for your upcoming financial needs considering probs and cons.
Management Consultants
Management consultants work with businesses to improve overall performance by providing expert advice to solve problems and encourage growth. They often can be brought in by a business to advise the senior management on a specific project or more broadly on the structure and practices of a firm for a solid growth.
RJSC Support
RJSC has been undergoing a series of changes that aims to reform a long waited need that is supposed to become essential by the time of a fully automated service provider to meet primary requirements for starting a company. Automated services are not functionally available. Hence any client has to submit both soft and hard copies of important documents for getting services from the RJSC.
Company Legal Support
Business owners face many legal issues daily. Without access to the right legal counsel, a company often runs into serious financial problems. The type of business you conduct reflects on the types of legal services you will need. However, here are a few of the top examples of frequent legal services:
Creating a business structure: Before launching, you should seek out an attorney to determine the business structure that protects you best against liability claims.
Trade Licenses
Trade License is a mandatory factor for every form of business entity in Bangladesh. It is issued by the local government of the respective areas that your Business is located. Every business entity must obtain Trade License from each local government authorities. If a business entity has more than one place of business, it must obtain Trade License from each local government authorities and has to be renewed annually.
For over 6 years working in QuickBooks Xero and Excel. Expert in Company setup, estimate, invoicing, billing, and Bank Reconciliation. Expert at PDF conversion, Template creating in excel and word. Expert in ratio analysis. Expert in Management Report.
''My fast Priority is client Satisfaction.''